I am so glad that I am done with my Christmas shopping. The roads, the stores... everywhere you go, there are a TON of people! It's like when you turn off the lights and all the cockroaches come scurrying out of their holes! There's traffic everywhere, the lines at the market are crazy long, stores are staying open until midnight, there's no toys or gifts left to buy on the shelves... Ugh! Just nuts!
I went out to Target the other day just to get diapers and wipes (cuz you know they have THE best price around) and I was amazed at the amount of people in the store. You couldn't go more than 10 feet without encountering another person. And they're rude too. They just stand there in your way, not even caring that you'd like to go down that isle too. And in the toy dept. Well, lets just say if you came there that night to get a last minute toy for your child, you were out of luck... nothing was left on the shelf. But lucky for me, no one buys diapers for Christmas presents, so there were plenty left in stock for me.
Hopefully you all have finished your shopping too?